- Preside over meetings or request that the VP do so.
- Set a meeting date at the beginning of the year with the other officers to set the four meetings for the rest of the year and brainstorm for other meeting's agenda
- Contact members before each meeting and find out what they would like to have discussed at the meetings
- Make sure that the newsletter is prepared and reaches the membership in timely manner
- Appoint the nominating committee chair for upcoming elections
- Attend the Regional Leadership meeting.
- If there are enough funds in the treasury, traveling expenses may be subsidized within reason
- Attend National and Regional Festivals or assign another member to represent the guild
Vice President
- Arrange/Coordinate meeting programs
- Contact all members and see what they would like and try to accommodate them.
- Come up with interesting ideas on your own.
- Set-up / recruit workshop instructors, seminars or videos.
- Fill in for the President if needed.
Vice President of Community Outreach
- Promote the guild's presence in our community.
- Identify / coordinate community events where the guild can participate.
- Liaise with visiting puppeteers and companies.
- Fill in for President or other Vice President when they are unavailable.
- Collect membership dues
- Make reminder calls to members owing dues
- Record paid memberships in guild roster
- Distribute membership cards to paid members
- Deposit dues in guild checking account
- Distribute checks from guild checking account reimbursing expenses made on behalf of the guild
- Reconcile monthly bank statements
- Keep up to date and accurate records of guild finances
- Prepare financial reports as needed (This is needed at least once a year for the end of the year report)
- Take minutes at meetings
- Compile minutes for web archives
- Keep an up to date guild roster
- Write an annual report for the P of A Vice President and Regional Director before the annual business meeting for P of A
- Keep and archive all of the local guild newsletters and minutes
Staff: Webmaster
- Maintain the guild's website and other online web presences
- Post information to the website including meeting announcements, news of local and regional puppetry events, and meeting minutes
- Maintain informational pages on the website about the guild and its activities
- Apply patches and upgrades to the software that runs the website
- Maintain the guild's Google Group mailing lists (add/remove users, moderate posts, etc.)
Staff: Communications Editor
- Assist the webmaster in keeping the website up-to-date with current information